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Vary the color of turret range on map view depending on which ones contain ammunition
Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 4:29 pm
by arthon34
What ?
Turrets display their range on the map view in a red circle.

- Turret range.png (133.2 KiB) Viewed 1481 times
However, some of these turrets are actually out of ammunition. I suggest another color (like grey) is used for this circle when indicating the range of turrets which are out of ammunition. This can be added as a toggleable option in menu > settings > interface.
Furthermore, I suggest the red circles of loaded turrets be drawn on top of grey circles, substituting the grey instead of mixing with it, to not cause overlap between the two colors and creating a concise view of
actual turret coverage.
Why ?
During the early game, it is not uncommon to distribute singular turrets around your base and hand-fill them, until you are able to make a completely automated solution. If this early base grows too large- which it regularly does- it would be nice to see where ammunition is needed based on the map view, since the 'coverage' of turrets without ammunition is not really 'coverage'.
Re: Vary the color of turret range on map view depending on which ones contain ammunition
Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2021 6:19 am
by Optera
Would be quite helpful, especially early game.
Re: Vary the color of turret range on map view depending on which ones contain ammunition
Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2021 4:21 am
by wobbycarly
Nice idea.
Re: Vary the color of turret range on map view depending on which ones contain ammunition
Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2024 10:40 am
by arthon34
Necroing this to rebump the same suggestion
Re: Vary the color of turret range on map view depending on which ones contain ammunition
Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2024 8:03 pm
by Orum
While this would be useful, I think most bases ultimately auto-supply turrets, so they really shouldn't ever run out of ammo. Sure, the supply belt could run low and you'd want to know about that, but in those circumstances you can trivially set up an alarm tied to the ammo supply belt (or the turrets themselves, but you'd likely get the notification a lot later than desired) to let you know when that happens.
What I would rather see instead is color-coding according to the type of turret. This is most important when designing space platforms, as you need to know which areas have rocket turret coverage vs gun turret coverage vs railgun coverage. Currently I am simply removing all turrets except for one type, checking the range, then rinse and repeat for the other two types. As you can imagine, this gets quite tedious when designing large platforms.
Alternatively, if they only want to use one color for turret range, at least allow us only visualize one turret type at a time, and select between them which one we want to see (or all at once).