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Emergency power supply

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 7:16 pm
by Nosferatu
Do you want to guard your combinator setups against deep brownouts?
This power storage does not work like your usual batteries.
It only activates when your power supply is so low that combinators stop updating.
After that it tries to give only as much energy away as is needed for keeping you above the deep brown out threshold.

In the best case scenario it empty's only one power bank at a time and can give you 1,3GW for 267 seconds (2/3 of a day/night cycle)
In worst case it can deliver up to 10,4GW but only for 34 seconds.
After usage the battery disconnects itself from the grid and reconnects once your main power batteries are back to 100%
If you want your to load your emergency power battery while it's disconnected you can connect it to an emergency powerplant (not included in BP) using the power pole with the hazard concrete.
EmergencyPower.png (3.64 MiB) Viewed 3624 times

Blueprint only works with Factorio 1.1 or above
edit 2023: clarified how the battery recharges

Re: Emergency power supply

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2023 6:56 pm
by SherpaMcDerpa
I don't know why no one has commented on this. This is awesome. Thanks!

Re: Emergency power supply

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 7:43 am
by Nosferatu
Thanks. What I like most about it is the light show when if fires.
Unfortunately most of the time this happens I'm distracted elsewhere...

Make sure to leave space above and below the installation so that you can easily expand it if your factory grows bigger.

Re: Emergency power supply

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 10:55 am
by Melodi-of-Crystals
Can you get another photo of how it connects to the power grid? I can't copy the BP. (switch issues)