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[0.11.18] game.speed of 1.0 actually runs at 2.0

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 5:22 pm
by ganz
(first bug report, sorry if not to spec)

My single player games (not campaign missions, the custom games) are running at double speed. Motion and build times are much faster than I remember, and the clock in save games is running twice as fast as real time.

I tried setting:

Code: Select all

/c game.speed=1.0
but this leaves it at double speed. Setting game.speed to 1.01 or 0.99 sets it back to standard time passage. It also works to set it faster or slower to 5.0 or 0.5, just 1.0 seems to be misinterpreted.

I don't have any mods installed other than base mods, and I really don't remember changing any property files to make this happen or setting this in the past. Whenever I create a new game it resets to 1.0, which is secretly double speed.

Any idea what may have happened, or how to fix this?

Re: [0.11.18] game.speed of 1.0 actually runs at 2.0

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 10:43 am
by slpwnd
Do you by any chance have a monitor with 120HZ refresh rate?

Re: [0.11.18] game.speed of 1.0 actually runs at 2.0

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 12:10 am
by ganz
144hz, running in windowed mode. This reminds me of when I discovered I couldn't roll up a particular hill in Valkyria Chronicles, because the friction physics were calculated per frame and I couldn't get enough velocity. Had to lower refresh rate. :)

Re: [0.11.18] game.speed of 1.0 actually runs at 2.0

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 1:23 pm
by cube

Re: [0.11.18] game.speed of 1.0 actually runs at 2.0

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 2:52 pm
by slpwnd
Lowering refresh rate will help you here as well. You can also disable wait for sync in the graphics menu. We don't have a monitor with higher than 60Hz refresh rate so it is very difficult to test this, but I have ordered just now so we will see if we can test and figure it out for the 0.11 stable ...

Re: [0.11.18] game.speed of 1.0 actually runs at 2.0

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 4:22 pm
by SHiRKiT
slpwnd wrote:Lowering refresh rate will help you here as well. You can also disable wait for sync in the graphics menu. We don't have a monitor with higher than 60Hz refresh rate so it is very difficult to test this, but I have ordered just now so we will see if we can test and figure it out for the 0.11 stable ...
I feel so happy when small devs can actually purchase new equipment to test their games. =]