Trains all go to the same station
Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 7:40 pm
I'm building my first late game base. I'm producing about 600 science/minute + what's coming out of my early and mid game base, that doesn't work properly at the moment^^ mostly because the old ore patches are getting smaller and smaller.
In order to not constatly change the stations of my trains, because ore patches get smaller, I've started to rename most stations, so they all have the same names (for example "iron ore" - "Eisenerz" in german). The unloading stations keep their unique names. In order to prevent long waiting times of a train in an old station, where the ore patch is small, I've started to activate and deactivate stations. In my case, if there's more than 1,500 ore for each waggon the station opens for trains. Until the train is there and getting filled it usually gets up to 2,000.
Unfortunately all (or most) trains go to the same station (the closest one). In some cases there are 6 trains waiting. And while they're waiting the others get filled until the point has come, where there's less than 1,500 ore for the waggons. So the station shuts down and the trains leave to get to another station. After they've travelled 1 or 2 City Blocks the station turns back on and some of the trains turn around to get back to the station. And because there were many trains waiting others came back quicker, and they need to wait again until the station turns off again and they leave once again without being filled.
This leads to a long time until they finally come back to their unloading station, and even to traffic jams already.
So there are a few questions: How do trains pick their station? How often do they update their picking? And how can I influence that?
In the uploaded picture you see the part of my base where that happens most. The "Eisenerz" Station in the south is the biggest problem. But also the "Kupfererz" station in the south-west, that is currently shut down.
I'm building my first late game base. I'm producing about 600 science/minute + what's coming out of my early and mid game base, that doesn't work properly at the moment^^ mostly because the old ore patches are getting smaller and smaller.
In order to not constatly change the stations of my trains, because ore patches get smaller, I've started to rename most stations, so they all have the same names (for example "iron ore" - "Eisenerz" in german). The unloading stations keep their unique names. In order to prevent long waiting times of a train in an old station, where the ore patch is small, I've started to activate and deactivate stations. In my case, if there's more than 1,500 ore for each waggon the station opens for trains. Until the train is there and getting filled it usually gets up to 2,000.
Unfortunately all (or most) trains go to the same station (the closest one). In some cases there are 6 trains waiting. And while they're waiting the others get filled until the point has come, where there's less than 1,500 ore for the waggons. So the station shuts down and the trains leave to get to another station. After they've travelled 1 or 2 City Blocks the station turns back on and some of the trains turn around to get back to the station. And because there were many trains waiting others came back quicker, and they need to wait again until the station turns off again and they leave once again without being filled.
This leads to a long time until they finally come back to their unloading station, and even to traffic jams already.
So there are a few questions: How do trains pick their station? How often do they update their picking? And how can I influence that?
In the uploaded picture you see the part of my base where that happens most. The "Eisenerz" Station in the south is the biggest problem. But also the "Kupfererz" station in the south-west, that is currently shut down.