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[Question/Request] Script to translate Crowdin output to Factorio format

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 12:17 am
by valneq
Hey there,

I happen to be involved with quite a lot of translation stuff on Factorio itself as well as some mods. I recently gained collaborator access to one of the mods I was helping to translate: the locales for Angel's mods (

With this we have a problem: Whenever there is some form of rich text embedding images or changing font settings, Crowdin surrounds the translation with double quotes. However, Factorio just prints everything after the equals sign, resulting in very ugly translations, as you can see in the Angel's Refining mod settings here:
crowdin_quotes.jpg (63.94 KiB) Viewed 2307 times
The quotes are automatically added by Crowdin, so there is no way that the translators can take care of it.

Does any one know of an existing script to strip the resulting files from these unnecessary double quotes?
The Factorio devs for sure have something like that, but I imagine that many mod authors have to deal with the same issue.
I could start developing my own script to do that. But if anyone else did it already, I would not need to debug and troubleshoot my poor scripting foo.

Re: [Question/Request] Script to translate Crowdin output to Factorio format

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 1:00 am
by kirazy
You may be able to have the project admins work with Crowdin to resolve the quote issue, because the Factorio Mod Localization project had a similar issue and was able to resolve it by working with Crowdin support: ... n/issues/2

Re: [Question/Request] Script to translate Crowdin output to Factorio format

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 2:24 am
by valneq
Thanks for that info!