Objective manager
Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:37 pm
In scenarios we get the possibility to have objectives.
I really would like to have something to manage objectives in games where there is no objectives, my idea comes in two parts :
I really would like to have something to manage objectives in games where there is no objectives, my idea comes in two parts :
- The objectives : They are not something you can fail but more something you can do.
- Get X of resource
- Produce X of resource
- Get resource production going above X/s or X/m
- Get technology
- Deplete resources from vein
- Don't get any destroyed thing in factory in delay (maintain factory integrity)
- Don't get any bitters damages in factory in delay (get better defenses)
- Don't get any bitters attacks in factory in delay (destroy bitters bases)
- Plain string
- Get technology
- The manager : It would permit to add objectives.
The objectives would comes in groups, once one group is beaten it would go to the next objective group, in a group you could put multiples objectives.