Diamond-shaped Megabase with Octagonal Train Grid
Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 1:21 pm

Hi everyone,
I already shared this on reddit yesterday but I guess not everyone is on there so I thought I'd share it here as well. I built a 1k SPM Megabase using Factorissimo and LTN (and quite a few QOL mods). It consists of 14 octagonal cells each containing 4 factorissimo mk3 buildings (well, for some reason one of them only has 3. Don't ask me why) and 4 cells on the sides to unload ore from outpost to grid trains.
The factory is run almost exclusively by 1-4 trains while ores are brought in by 3-12 trains.
Power consumption is around 5 and 6 GW and is mostly supplied by a nested nuclear power plant inside one of the buildings. All those solar panels generate around 800MW.
The grid is left-hand drive (kind of by accident, in the beginning I got run over a few times because I expected trains to come from the other side) and works very smoothly for 1-4 trains. There are lots of waiting positions that still allow for passing trains.
I made two different versions:
The one used here (Blueprint) and one with slimmer stations for a bot base without factorissimo: Blueprint -- Picture
All blueprints only include the rail and power grid.
There are of course More Pictures and a really crappily edited Video (I try to blow up the base by a chain reaction of power plants. Unfortunately my computer isn't completely up to the task)
If anybody wants to go for a walk in it, here's a save file (100MB). You will need Factorissimo2, LTN, LTN combinator and I'd recommend the Jetpack Mod. I'm not sure how this works, I guess my inventory is included in the save file? Otherwise there is a jetpack mk4 and some nuclear fuel at the spawn point so you can go for a flight.
I'd be happy to hear what you think

I will now be busy downloading the M.I.R.V mod and turning this thing into dust again. And I will love every second of it just as I have building it

EDIT: I forgot to put in the LTN Depot. Blueprint -- Picture
EDIT 2: New video