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Request: Keyboard shortcut to bring up the Last Selected Blueprint

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 5:34 pm
by ZavodZ
Reason: Before the big Blueprint revamp of July 2020, if you pressed "B" it would bring you back to the Blueprint page you just left. So if you had a BP that you wanted to paste down, but wouldn't paste until you moved a few things, you could just press "B" and it would bring you right back to it.

Now: You have to navigate to the Blueprint again. And if you're like me and have a dozen BP Books, it makes it annoying to find things.

Suggestion: Have a key, such as "Control-B" which would bring up the last Blueprint you had selected.

And, if this already exists and I just couldn't find it (I looked), then please let me know!

Re: Request: Keyboard shortcut to bring up the Last Selected Blueprint

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2020 3:35 pm
by ssilk
moved from general to suggestions- ssilk