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[0.18.38] Crash when using deconstruction planner saved in blueprint book

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 10:30 pm
by Kibb
I want to have a blueprint book for all of my deconstruction planners for easy access and when I try to deconstruct something using a planner in the book the game crashes.

I discovered the bug by trying to deconstruct just tiles using a planner in the book shown in the attached picture. I then tested other planners and think that the crash is caused by using any deconstruction planner from a blueprint book.

I haven't discovered the same with the upgrade planner but also haven't tried it extensively.

Re: [0.18.38] Crash when using deconstruction planner saved in blueprint book

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 10:34 pm
by boskid
Thanks for the report. This issue was already noticed and fixed. It is just waiting for the release of 0.18.39.

Code: Select all

Fixed crash when Lua received event of player selecting area to deconstruct.