Add [P/] to rich text formatting?
Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2020 8:48 pm
Would it be possible to add a paragraph break [P/] to the rich text formatting for making the locale description look right no matter what screen resolution your using?
The idea behind it would be so this:
Would display like this no matter the resolution:
But without them the description shows like this:
The idea behind it would be so this:
Code: Select all
main-description=Integrated passive provider and requester chests[P/][color=red]Press: [font=default-bold]__1__[/font] to open requester chest.[/color][P/][color=yellow]Press: [font=default-bold]__2__[/font] to open requester chest inserter configuration.[/color][P/][color=blue]Press: [font=default-bold]__3__[/font] to open provider chest.[/color][P/][color=green]Press: [font=default-bold]__4__[/font] to open provider chest inserter configuration.[/color]