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Multiple versions of mods on disk, some-but-not-all offer a choice of version?

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 4:06 pm
by slippycheeze
Factorio is keeping all the versions of mods I download, which is very nice. When an update came with a new feature with a game crashing bug it was easy to back out to the version before it was added.

My first stop when I hit that was the "mods" screen, because I remembered the "active version" field for some mods; Lane Balancer, for example, shows me "1.0.3" and "1.0.6" as options. Nexela's Picker tools also show a choice of "Active Version."

I assumed that this would be present for any mod with multiple versions downloaded, but was surprised that it didn't show up for "Schall Radar Alignment" which I had just updated. I'd intended to use that to switch temporarily back to the older version, and wait for the update. Instead I had to go manually delete the newer mod zip file.

The strangest part is that none of the mods showing the "active version" choice have any visible difference to any that don't. I don't have unpacked versions of them or anything like that.

I'd like to understand why some-but-not-all mods offer this, and suggest that it'd be great to offer for all of them -- or at least offer "use the version you just replaced" to make this easier to do without knowing, eg, how mods are stored on disk.

Re: Multiple versions of mods on disk, some-but-not-all offer a choice of version?

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 3:09 pm
by Rseding91
The version selection shows whenever there are multiple versions of the same mod on disk.