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Headless Server Linux/ Mod is not recognized

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 2:51 am
by Smaties81
Electric Furnaces
Operationsystem: Linux Debian 10
Folder: /opt/factorio
Problem: Starting the Factorio Server. Mod is not recognized from the System.

Hello together,

i have a Headless Server with some Mods. They all running, but except one!

The mod is Electric Furnaces. The Filename is Electric

The mod is in the same folder where all mods are. I think it's a problem with the Spelling. That the Space between Electric and Furnaces triggers an error. Maybe! :?: :?: :?:

When i rename the File like the Server stoped with the error :
0.041 Error Util.cpp:83: Failed to load mod "electricfurnaces": Filename of mod /opt/factorio/mods/ doesn't match the expected Electric

I have unzip the file to rename all folder. But doesn't works.

I asked the nice person who programmed it to change the filename, unfortunately without success.

I stuck....
Have someone a Idea?

Someone means like this :idea: :

"If you're passing the mod filename as a command-line argument or putting it into a script, try quoting the whole file string."

I don't know how i realized that.

Thanks for your time and help.


Re: Headless Server Linux/ Mod is not recognized

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 5:44 am
by Rseding91
The space in the name isn't an issue. Spaces are valid file name characters along with several others - all of which work just fine.

If it's not loading it's probably due to a dependency issue or something else that doesn't generate an error.