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Need a way to save blueprints between games

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 4:41 am
by Zpike
I hate it when I finally research logistics and then have to recreate all my templates for needed items from scratch. We need a way to save them between games.

As it is i have JPGs of all my templates and i'm forced to tab between them when building my basic services. Seems kind of lame and is definitely annoying.

Re: Need a way to save blueprints between games

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 5:10 am
by DaveMcW

Re: Need a way to save blueprints between games

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 5:15 am
by Gandalf
A simple file format for blueprints, that could be a cool mechanic. That way you could even upload them to share them.

Alternatively there could be a simpel text syntax (like JSON) and a text input in the game, so you can copypaste blueprint-code.

Important part is to make it non-cheaty, so it should actually require a raw blueprint that was legitimately aquired during gameplay,
as opposed to just spawning a finished blueprint in via lua console.

edit: well then, someone already did it. Would still be cool to have it in the vanilla game.

Re: Need a way to save blueprints between games

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 6:46 am
by Koub
You sir, are just the millionth person to emit such suggestion \o/ You are the winner of our big lottery, and you may just have won a factory.
please call 555-123456 (50 alien artifacts per minute) for more details :mrgreen:
(forums, and before them bulletin boards have been including search feature for 20 years or so. Every time search is not used whereas it could have been, a factory dies, somewhere in the universe).

btw, I also would like an ingame feature for saving, storing, and sharing blueprints easily. Over the time I came not to like using mods on games.