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How do I make a blueprint?

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 5:21 am
by T__C
How do I make a blueprint? I'm playing on version 0.18.19.

Re: How do I make a blueprint?

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 5:29 am
by Koub
Alt-B, or click on the "New blueprint" button in the toolbar :
2020-04-22 07_32_34-Factorio 0.18.19.jpg
2020-04-22 07_32_34-Factorio 0.18.19.jpg (24.84 KiB) Viewed 1507 times

Re: How do I make a blueprint?

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 6:19 am
by T__C
Thank you. It looks like Alt-B works, but the "New blueprint" button isn't available until I've researched some technology.

Re: How do I make a blueprint?

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 8:54 am
by 5thHorseman
You can also hit CTRL-C (for copy, just like in many text and image editors) and then while click-drag highlighting the things you want to blueprint, hold SHIFT. If you're holding SHIFT as you let up on the mouse button after dragging your select box, instead of just copying the stuff you'll create a blueprint that you can edit right there.

It's by far the easiest way to make blueprints IMO.