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[0.4.1] Config (updates_per_frame) incorrect value?

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 1:57 am
by KlockworkCanary
Hey I noticed that when I change "Max updates per frame" it doesn't stick when I restart the game. I looked at the config file and found:


I'm not a programmer so I might be completely wrong about this, but shouldn't max_updates_per_frame have a number value rather than true/false? I've found if I change it to a number in the config file the game will start with whatever number I set it to. Unfortunately it resets to true when I quit the game so I have to enter the number every time I start it. Just thought someone should know. Love the game, keep up the good work!

Re: [0.4.1] Config (updates_per_frame) incorrect value?

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 11:49 am
by kovarex
Oh, you are right, thank you for the report.
The game couldn't read the true as a number, so it initialised it to 5 (default value when it couldn't be found) on every start.
It is fixed for the next release (0.5.0)