Bug - Forum fails to upload attachment.
Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2020 12:12 am
I was getting "failed to parse server response" errors while trying to attach files, so I opened up my browser debugger to see what was going on.
The server is giving the following in response to upload requests, and making the JSON parser upset:
It seems to barf before the upload is complete fwiw.
I tried several times, with the same results each time.
Curiously, the request header lists the content-length as 16779815 (just over 16MB) while the actual filesize is 68748100 (~66MB) (it's a factorio save game zip) - is it trying to do a multi-request upload or something?
If the forum isn't a suitable place to post save games when reporting bugs, where should we post them?
The server is giving the following in response to upload requests, and making the JSON parser upset:
Code: Select all
<b>[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning</b>: in file <b>[ROOT]/phpbb/plupload/plupload.php</b> on line <b>344</b>: <b>move_uploaded_file(./files/plupload/cfd5f8e59121bb005a34a00a22e0e3b4_1e8df0d2bb92a51f7d0d96f8ddc68ed0): failed to open stream: Permission denied</b><br />
<b>[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning</b>: in file <b>[ROOT]/phpbb/plupload/plupload.php</b> on line <b>344</b>: <b>move_uploaded_file(): Unable to move '/tmp/phpIqUzzJ' to './files/plupload/cfd5f8e59121bb005a34a00a22e0e3b4_1e8df0d2bb92a51f7d0d96f8ddc68ed0'</b><br />
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"id","error":{"code":103,"message":"Failed to move uploaded file."}}
I tried several times, with the same results each time.
Curiously, the request header lists the content-length as 16779815 (just over 16MB) while the actual filesize is 68748100 (~66MB) (it's a factorio save game zip) - is it trying to do a multi-request upload or something?
If the forum isn't a suitable place to post save games when reporting bugs, where should we post them?