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Rocket Silo visual indication

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 12:12 pm
by Zen
Hello, everyone. I've searched the web for something simple but with no result, so I decided to make my first post in this subforum.
I thought it would be awesome to know the progress of my rocket without the need of clicking the silo so I've made this.
A rocket silo lamp indication for its current progress.
I've wired the fast inserter of one of the ingredients and count how much it puts to the rocket. Then as I have productivity submodules in my rocket silo I recalculate the added value they give to the production and add it to the default percentage.
If you dont have the 4 productivity submodules but fewer just change the number inside the second rightmost arithemtic combinator as follows:
0 productivity submodules(ps) = 0, 1ps = 10, 2ps = 20, 3ps = 30, 4ps = 40 (default value).

In the pictures it works with robot logistic but if you want it to be working with transport belts just remove the chests and put the corresponding belts there.

It has 2% error margin sometimes(as far as I noticed).

Some pictures:
Before reaching 45%
Before reaching 45%
before 45 percent.png (253.45 KiB) Viewed 4721 times
After reaching 45% and before 80%
After reaching 45% and before 80%
near 50 percent.png (317.7 KiB) Viewed 4721 times
After reaching 80%
After reaching 80%
near 80 percent.png (382.69 KiB) Viewed 4721 times
While launcing rocket
While launcing rocket
launchingRocket.png (494.92 KiB) Viewed 4721 times

I know it aint much but its my first logic combinator creation.

Here is the blueprint without tiles included:

And here is the blueprint with tiles included:

Re: Rocket Silo visual indication

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 2:49 pm
by Amarula

Re: Rocket Silo visual indication

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 12:42 am
by MassiveDynamic
I approve. Nice work.

Re: Rocket Silo visual indication

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2020 1:59 am
by Nasphere
I did a simplified version of this with one decider and one arithmetic. It may help in future circuits :)
factorio rocket counter.png
factorio rocket counter.png (105.65 KiB) Viewed 4558 times
In the BP, the requester chests need to be populated and I included the values for each productivity module stored in constant combinators.

Re: Rocket Silo visual indication

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 2:32 pm
by SackCFix
Hey guys,

i made a Combinator Setup that i wanted to share in this Post, maybe it's useful...

This Setup counts the Items and Satellites put into the Rocket-Silo and will reset it's Itemcounter (except Satellites) the moment the Rocket launches.
Rocket Launcher.jpg
Rocket Launcher.jpg (151.1 KiB) Viewed 3532 times

The Blueprint does not include the Stop-Logic for the Satelite-Inserter! Be careful with overproduction ;-)