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Multiple Mod Authors

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2020 8:41 pm
by Tuetenk0pp
Some modders work in teams. Please add support for multiple mod authors.
What ?
I think the Game is missing the possibility to name multiple mod authors in the info.json file. A further step would be to mark other users as contributers when submitting a mod to the Portal.
Why ?
I know there is more important stuff to do but it would add a nice and shiny 1.0-look to the mod portal. Becides, it's just nice to credit other peoples hard work :)

Re: Multiple Mod Authors

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2020 8:53 pm
by Tuetenk0pp
Well I just discovered that what I am asking for is already kinda implemented:
- You can add Contributors in the mod Portal
- in the info.json file: do something like

Code: Select all

 "author": "author_1, author_2",