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A Problem about Filter Inserter with Nectwork

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 12:20 pm
by qq271206247
Hello guys, English is not my mother language, but I will try to explain my problem with this.

As the pic shows, there are three Filter Inserters, I connected them with each other with red wire and green wire, the setting of those Inserters is same, I use red wire and green wire at the same time because I want to use the red wire to send the signal to control the Filter Inserter to pick what I need, and also I need the green wire to get the signal to know the hand contents. the Problem is, for example, when one Inserter picks up a stone, it will return the signal of hand contents to the wire(red wire and green wire), so, obviously, the signals mess up. If what I said above is not clear, please tell me, I really need help. About this Problem, are there any Mods that can fix this signal problem, to control the Inserter only read signal from red wire, and send the signal from green wire?

Actually, I know a way to isolate every signal, but it will need a lot of combinators, if I can control the Inserter read and send the signal from different wire, it would be more efficient.

Re: A Problem about Filter Inserter with Nectwork

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 4:07 pm
by astroshak
Unfortunately, connecting the red and green wires to the inserters like that meshes their signals together, too.

My own experience with filter inserters involves setting the filters manually, or through a constant combinator. Use case on that last is when setting up a large lab area, with belts on two sides; only want to send science packs one way (away from the belt) and not the other way (towards or along side the belt).

In instances where I want to pull several different items out of the same container, I tend to use multiple filter inserters with each one outputting to its own chest, and each one set for exactly one item. An example of this would be a train station designed to offload several items from a cargo wagon (reactors, heat exchangers, steam turbines, etc.). I will connect the chests together by wire and run that through a constant combinator (set to negatives; if I want 10 nuclear reactors, I’ll set the constant combinator to put out -10 nuclear reactors) and only turn the station on when “anything is < 0”.

I think that you might need to split out your signal connections. Either set up a memory cell for stuff picked up by the inserters, and don’t rely on circuit network to set the filters, or use the circuit network to determine the filters, and use the output location to count quantity. One other possible idea might be to output to the ground, and have a second regular inserter picking up from the ground. Read that inserter’s hand contents. The drawback would be some delay in getting your hand contents reading.

The one thing you don’t want to do is to put both red and green wires to the inserters, as they won’t distinguish between signal sources and will send their signals along both wires.

Re: A Problem about Filter Inserter with Nectwork

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 4:59 pm
by disentius
You could read the source (belt or chest) for the items, and use the other wire for setting the filter.
It would help if you explained more details of the problem :)

Re: A Problem about Filter Inserter with Nectwork

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:14 pm
by Serenity
Contrary to appearances the red and green wires and not entirely independent from each other. When both are connected to a machine their signals are added to each other within that machine

It would help if you explained what you actually want to do. Otherwise you steer people into a direction that may not actually be a good solution

Re: A Problem about Filter Inserter with Nectwork

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2020 7:45 pm
by TruePikachu
If memory serves correctly, when setting filters via the circuit network, an item is whitelisted if its signal is positive. This would mean that if you put very negative signals for all items the inserters might be holding but you don't want whitelisted on the "input" wire, the respective signals would remain negative and filter-blacklisted, while the "output" wire would be unaffected.

The "very negative" signals should be less than -2 times the total stack size of all inserters being connected.