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[SOLVED]unexpected symbol near '='

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 11:28 am
by CruWiT
This is my error;
prototypes/item/gun.lua:4: unexpected symbol near '='

This is my "gun.lua" file.

Code: Select all

local deagle = table.deepcopy(data.raw["gun"]["pistol"]) = "deagle",
deagle.icon = "__mermi__/graphics/icons/deagle.png",
deagle.icon_size = 64,
deagle.attack_parameters.cooldown = 5,
deagle.attack_parameters.movement_slow_down_factor = 0.5,
deagle.attack_parameters.range = 25,
deagle.attack_parameters.damage_modifier = 3.5,
deagle.attack_parameters.sound = 
		filename = "__mermi__/sound/desert-eagle.ogg",
		volume = 0.3,

Re: unexpected symbol near '='

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 11:53 am
by steinio
Remove the commas at the ends of the lines.

Re: unexpected symbol near '='

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 12:36 pm
by CruWiT
new error in technology:lua:1 line, this is technology.lua file;

Code: Select all

type = "technology",
effects = {
        recipe = "deneme-ammo",
        type = "unlock-recipe"
        recipe = "deagle",
        type = "unlock-recipe"
enabled = false,
icon = "__mermi__/graphics/technology/deagle.png",
icon_size = 144,
name = "deagle-military",
order = "z-z",
unit = {
    count = 8,
    ingredients = 
        {"automation-science-pack", 1}
    time = 1

Re: unexpected symbol near '='

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 1:08 pm
by darkfrei
One pair of {} more:
data:extend ({prot1, prot2, prot3})

Your wrong definition: data:extend (prot1) where prot1 is your table.

Re: unexpected symbol near '='

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 1:41 pm
by asdff45
data:extend() expects a table of tables of Prototypes: `data:extend({prot1, prot2}).
In Lua you can use `{` instead of `(` to create a table as first parameter, so `data:extend{ }` equals `data:extend({ })`.

In your case, you use `data:extend(prot)`, which is not correct.

You can use:

Code: Select all

        type = "technology"
        // add your prototype here
        type = "recipe"
        // another prototype here

Code: Select all

        type = "technology"
        // add your prototype here
        type = "recipe"
        // another prototype here

Re: unexpected symbol near '='

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 2:04 pm
by CruWiT
asdff45 wrote: Wed Jan 29, 2020 1:41 pm data:extend() expects a table of tables of Prototypes: `data:extend({prot1, prot2}).
In Lua you can use `{` instead of `(` to create a table as first parameter, so `data:extend{ }` equals `data:extend({ })`.

In your case, you use `data:extend(prot)`, which is not correct.

You can use:

Code: Select all

        type = "technology"
        // add your prototype here
        type = "recipe"
        // another prototype here

Code: Select all

        type = "technology"
        // add your prototype here
        type = "recipe"
        // another prototype here
İt's work thanks for your help.

Re: [SOLVED]unexpected symbol near '='

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 8:55 pm
by Hiladdar
Also consider adding something like after the icon_size:

deagle.icon_mipmaps = 1,

Reason is icons were changed between 0.17.79 and 0.18.0. They went from mostly 32x32 png file with one image, to a 120x64 png file with 4 images. If you use the new format. I believe the icon_mipmaps parameter refers to the number of images contained within the icon graphic file.
