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[0.18.1] Mod Updates List Incorrectly Ordered

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2020 12:43 am
by yeahtoast
Hi guys, this is admittedly a very minor bug, possibly not a bug at all, but I thought it weird behavior that probably could be fixed as part of polishing the game for full release. In the Mod menu, in the Updates tab, the list of mods with updates seems to default to reverse alphabetical order, even as the header shows a downward facing triangle, meaning it should be in A-Z name order.
Inked20200126162946_1_LI.jpg (1.31 MiB) Viewed 2371 times
When you click the header to reverse the order, the triangle flips and the list remains in the same (now correct) Z-A order.
Inked20200126162948_1_LI.jpg (1.33 MiB) Viewed 2371 times
Pressing again, the triangle again faces downward, and the list is finally placed in correct A-Z order.
Inked20200126162950_1_LI.jpg (1.31 MiB) Viewed 2371 times
Pressing the refresh button returns it to its previous erroneous state.

This behavior doesn't happen to the list on the Install Tab. Just something weird I noticed waiting for mod updates after 0.18 :geek:

Re: [0.18.1] Mod Updates List Incorrectly Ordered

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 3:25 pm
by Rseding91
Thanks for the report. It's now fixed for the next release.