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68 Science Per Minute Raw Ore Bus
Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2020 6:10 am
by Fishy
As requested by a steam forum user, here is my "bootstrap" science production.
All seven sciences are self contained, just pump in the raw materials!

- 68 SPM.jpg (546.24 KiB) Viewed 16622 times
The blueprint book contains all the components broken down into separate blueprints as well as the whole thing as one unit, like the screenshot.
There are also a couple supporting prints: A self contained tier one module maker, and a beginning power plant builder/starter uranium processing.
Seems the blueprint string was too long for this forum so pastebin it is.
I may write up some more at some point, I have the flu and this is all I can manage right now.
EDIT: 10/22/21 updated links
Big monster:
BP book (modular units):
Re: 68 Science Per Minute Raw Ore Bus
Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2020 6:29 pm
by Deltasig
I can't really tell by the screenshot but what are the inputs? Do I only need raw ores or will it require more than that?
^Very impressive design
Re: 68 Science Per Minute Raw Ore Bus
Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2020 3:25 pm
by Fishy
Thanks for the comment!
Yes, you only need raw ores. The inputs are marked on the left side of the bus with combinators.
1 Red belt Coal
1 Red belt Stone
7 Iron Ore
7 Copper Ore
1 line Water (as long as under 200 pipe segments between pumps, which is a pretty long distance. Four stacks of underground pipes is 200 pipe segments.)
1 Line Oil
The combinators also are marked with where that belt will terminate (what science uses that resource)
Note: There is some simple circuitry to try to make sure that coal is saturated through each science before it lets the other resources through, so the burner inserters will work.
I usually use 1-7 trains unloading into a 7-7 balancer (Bilkas balancers from the wiki THANK YOU)
I will try to add some more description to the OP through the day today.
Re: 68 Science Per Minute Raw Ore Bus
Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2020 4:36 pm
by Deltasig
I have since looked up the term "bus" and this makes a lot more sense. Spent last night implementing the design on my base and it works nicely

I just need to supply it with more raw resources.
Re: 68 Science Per Minute Raw Ore Bus
Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 5:18 am
by khadgarion
Thanks for this blueprint, I used it to complete the There is no Spoon achievement!
It was very close, I finished with about a minute and a half left =)
Re: 68 Science Per Minute Raw Ore Bus
Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2020 12:41 am
by Trauer
This is a gorgeous blueprint book, thank you for sharing

I am especially grateful for the modular design; I wanted a blueprint that automated each science pack individually.
My only "complaint" is that is hard to figure out what is the input of each belt in the blueprints.
Re: 68 Science Per Minute Raw Ore Bus
Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2020 11:24 pm
by RedScourge
Incredible! Saved me tons of work.
I tried it out for a few hours, and discovered a few bugs and fixed them. Pastebin link below.
Changes summary:
- Fixed belt type mismatch between the main bus blueprint and the Utility Science blueprint
- Replaced the burner inserters with yellow inserters in all blueprints, as burner inserters can still sometimes stop working with split belts if you run out of coal despite the circuitry, causing you to have to prime them before they'll work again
- In the Space Science template I expanded the left side Copper Plate production that goes for the Low-Density Structure production and siphoned it off into the Electronic Circuit production for Processing Units, as they are rather heavily bottlenecking Rocket Control Unit production
- in the Space Science template I fixed a missing Heavy Oil pipe on the bottom right of that template that was making the Heavy Oil to Light Oil conversion not work, which was significantly bottlenecking Petroleum Gas production, as I don't think there's much for buffering the excess fluid
- In the Space Science blueprint I added a few more Roboports to expand its logistics range, which is very useful in its construction, as it is a very long template
- None of the changes make the blueprints any wider or taller, except the Space Science blueprint, which is now 2 longer due to the Heavy Oil fix mentioned above
I did not update the big monster combined blueprint, just the individual ones, as I had a slight belt offset when I built these on my game.
Pastebin link, as you may want to integrate these changes into yours:
Re: 68 Science Per Minute Raw Ore Bus
Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2021 7:25 pm
by RagingViper
I don't know why but both pastebin links return 404 not found errors. I NEED this blueprint, its amazing.
plz fix plz. much thank.
Re: 68 Science Per Minute Raw Ore Bus
Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2021 9:05 pm
by Fishy
RagingViper wrote: Tue Oct 12, 2021 7:25 pm
I don't know why but both pastebin links return 404 not found errors. I NEED this blueprint, its amazing.
plz fix plz. much thank.
Here is the large BP (I think it's correct). Not sure what happened to the whole book
Ah there it is! This BP book contains everything broken down into units.
I'm glad folks are finding a use for this!
Re: 68 Science Per Minute Raw Ore Bus
Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2021 10:27 pm
by asheiduk
Hmmm. Both the BPs in the links of the first post and the new one seems to omit the smelters.
I'm using 1.1.42 with no entity-changing mods -- just stuff like Rate Calculator, Editor Extensions,...
Re: 68 Science Per Minute Raw Ore Bus
Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2021 10:59 pm
by Fishy
asheiduk wrote: Fri Oct 22, 2021 10:27 pm
Hmmm. Both the BPs in the links of the first post and the new one seems to omit the smelters.
I'm using 1.1.42 with no entity-changing mods -- just stuff like Rate Calculator, Editor Extensions,...
Do'oh! Third times a charm!
Note: These BPs do not reflect the changes made by RedScourge
Re: 68 Science Per Minute Raw Ore Bus
Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2021 11:32 pm
by mrvn
And why not attach it to the forum so the 404 won't happen? Attachments can be bigger than pasted text. Hope the paste site didn't screw them up.
Re: 68 Science Per Minute Raw Ore Bus
Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2021 11:48 pm
by Fishy
mrvn wrote: Fri Oct 22, 2021 11:32 pm
And why not attach it to the forum to the 404 won't happen? Attachments can be bigger than pasted text. Hope the paste site didn't screw them up.
My earlier attempt was while playing a modded game. Thanks for the help and the tip!