"solar" energy_source for modding
Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 10:51 pm
Branching off from solar boilers, custom prototypes should be able to use something like this:
The wiki says that resting_consumption_ratio is an attribute of all energy source types; it would not apply to solar.
max_power is the power usable in the middle of the day. The power of a solar energy source follows the same scaling curve as a normal solar panel. So a machine with the above energy_source will act as if it had an electric energy_source and was connected to a single solar panel.
Code: Select all
energy_source = {
type = "solar",
emissions = 0,
max_power = "60kW", -- Power usable at maximum sunlight; follows the same time-of-day scaling as a solar panel
max_power is the power usable in the middle of the day. The power of a solar energy source follows the same scaling curve as a normal solar panel. So a machine with the above energy_source will act as if it had an electric energy_source and was connected to a single solar panel.