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[Twinsen] [0.17.75] Tooltip doesn't show an item-with-tags custom_description if it has one set through the prototype

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 2:47 am
by calcwizard
When setting a custom description for an item-with-tags through LuaItemStack.custom_description, the description isn't updated if the item already has a description set through the prototype or locale file. This function works normally if there is no description set. Since the placeholder item in vanilla doesn't have a description, I created a small mod to demonstrate the bug.
(3.45 KiB) Downloaded 153 times
The mod adds a custom item-with-tags with a description. It also adds recipes to craft both it and the vanilla placeholder item. To recreate the bug, start a new game and craft the custom item with tags. Then set its custom_description to something else, for example by picking up the item and running

Code: Select all

/c game.player.cursor_stack.custom_description = "foobar"
When used on the item with no description, it updates to the custom description.


Re: [Twinsen] [0.17.75] Tooltip doesn't show an item-with-tags custom_description if it has one set through the prototyp

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 11:19 am
by Twinsen
Should be fixed in Version: 0.17.76.

Thanks for the report.