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My feedback on the new interface

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 3:19 am
by Redstone_Tesla
Hello everyone!

Loved the work with the new interface! But something bothers me.

When I first opened my blue prints I "automatically" clicked on the icon in the upper right corner to close the window (windows mania) and this actually deletes the item.

I know there is an icon that clearly indicates it will exclude. But certain actions we do in the same automatic and I believe that the developers like to take this into consideration.

I haven't played the game in a while and I don't remember if it was already like that, but anyway I was now "fooled" by the interface. To top it off, there's no warning if I really want to delete the plant, it just goes down.

Of course over time, I'll probably get used to it and not make the same mistake. But get my sincere feedback.

Note: Sorry for any errors in the text. I'm from Brazil and I'm using Google Translate.
