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[0.12.x] Mining Drill & Better ore storage - v1.0.3

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 8:46 pm
by TiTaN_3000
"Rebalanced to be less overpowered!"

You always thought the basic mining drill is to slow? me too !
This Mod adds 5 new tiers of the mining drill, increasing its speed and area of effect.



You are also someone who likes to store incredible amounts of resources? then this is your Mod!
With this mod you can box ores. 50 x iron ore = 1 x boxed iron ore (stack size x100)
This results in an storage of for example 50(normal stack size) x 100 (compressed) x 48 (chest slots) = 240.000 iron ore per chest

New Recipes.

New Version 1.0.3 (28.03.2015)
Only use the new version if you plan to create a new game because your old stacks may get destroyed.

- Iron plate stack size back to standard (200 -> 100)
- Copper plate stack size back to standard (200 -> 100)
- increased compression and decompression cooldowns
- creating stacks now requires an iron box (5 iron plates)
- no more handcrafting stacks/piles
- Removed Miner 4/5/6

- added Research for storage recipes
- added small iron stack to increase belt throughput (5->1)
- added small copper stack to increase belt throughput (5->1)
- added Eco Mining Drill (Low power usage, as fast as lvl 2 Mining Drill)
- added Deep Mining Drill (Higher mining power, used for hard ores, greatly reduced area of effect)
- created a hell lot of new icons
Old Versions

Re: [MOD 0.11.8] Mining Drill & Better ore storage

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 8:44 am
by Nikey646
Interesting mod. Question though, do you have to 'un-craft' the ore stacks to be able to smelt them. And if not, do they also give x100 iron from an x100 compressed ore?

Re: [MOD 0.11.8] Mining Drill & Better ore storage

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 11:05 am
by psihius
The ore compression/decompression is cool.

The mining drills, well, higher tiers should be bigger so you can't stamp as many of them as lvl 1 in the same area. And I think the area of mining for the lvl 6 is just too big. Usually, with higher tiers there are diminishing returns, not a straight arithmetic progression in all parameters, especially when we can just move the drill to another place easily when finished.

All in all, i'm giving it a try and testing.

Re: [MOD 0.11.8] Mining Drill & Better ore storage

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 12:01 pm
by TiTaN_3000
Nikey646 wrote:Interesting mod. Question though, do you have to 'un-craft' the ore stacks to be able to smelt them. And if not, do they also give x100 iron from an x100 compressed ore?
You have to "uncraft" them first.
psihius wrote:The ore compression/decompression is cool.

The mining drills, well, higher tiers should be bigger so you can't stamp as many of them as lvl 1 in the same area. And I think the area of mining for the lvl 6 is just too big. Usually, with higher tiers there are diminishing returns, not a straight arithmetic progression in all parameters, especially when we can just move the drill to another place easily when finished.
From tier 5 to tier 6 there is no improvement in mining speed. Only the Area of mining rises. The second point of diminishing returns is the high cost of the better mining drills.

I agree with you that higher tiers should have a bigger or different model. I would be grateful about suggestions.

Re: [MOD 0.11.8] Mining Drill & Better ore storage

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 4:39 am
by AlphaRaptor
Is it for 0.11.6 too ? or only for 0.11.8 ?

Re: [MOD 0.11.8] Mining Drill & Better ore storage

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 5:47 pm
by TiTaN_3000
it should work with all 0.11.x versions

Re: [MOD 0.11.8] Mining Drill & Better ore storage

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 6:51 pm
by AlphaRaptor
TiTaN_3000 wrote:it should work with all 0.11.x versions
Ok thanks for the Reply.

Re: [MOD 0.11.8] Mining Drill & Better ore storage

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 8:23 pm
by n9103
There appears to be a conflict in the coal unpacking recipe between this mod and treefarm.
I'm not sure exactly, but I know both mods have coal creation recipes, and that coal currently has no unpacking recipe.
Only treefarm's coal from charcoal recipe remains.

My best guess as a mod-tinker would be that since you're both using the same recipe name, treefarm has overwritten your recipe since it loads later.
My suggestion would be to give it a unique recipe name (with still coal as the output).

Re: [MOD 0.11.8] Mining Drill & Better ore storage

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 3:52 pm
by TiTaN_3000
n9103 wrote:There appears to be a conflict in the coal unpacking recipe between this mod and treefarm.
I'm not sure exactly, but I know both mods have coal creation recipes, and that coal currently has no unpacking recipe.
Only treefarm's coal from charcoal recipe remains.

My best guess as a mod-tinker would be that since you're both using the same recipe name, treefarm has overwritten your recipe since it loads later.
My suggestion would be to give it a unique recipe name (with still coal as the output).
Thanks for the advice.

New Version 1.0.1 (05.01.2015)
- Added stack of wood
- Now compatible with the Treefarm Mod

Re: [MOD 0.11.8] Mining Drill & Better ore storage

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 9:03 am
by psihius
Would you update it for 0.11.10? It does not work in it.

Re: [MOD 0.11.8] Mining Drill & Better ore storage

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 5:52 pm
by TiTaN_3000
psihius wrote:Would you update it for 0.11.10? It does not work in it.
It works fine fore me. What error do you get?

Re: [MOD 0.11.8] Mining Drill & Better ore storage

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 6:32 pm
by Prootje
Nice Mod. I wanted to automate the construction of the Tier 6 Miner, but it won't work because both the the second and third assembly machines only take 1 stack of Processing Units (100), while 125 are needed for construction to begin. Is there a method to get their production automated?

Re: [MOD 0.11.8] Mining Drill & Better ore storage

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 12:27 am
by n9103
I would say the only options are either editing the values, or adding a mod that increases stack sizes.
The former is faster for solo play (no testing/fixing mod interaction), the latter for multiplayer (standardized mod files for all players).

Re: [MOD 0.11.8] Mining Drill & Better ore storage

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 7:27 pm
by gr0mpel
awesome mod! i love the ore compression - allthough i'm wondering if it would be possible to make the mod treefarn-compatible (charcoal/cokecoal)?

Re: [MOD 0.11.8] Mining Drill & Better ore storage

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 11:30 am
by TiTaN_3000
gr0mpel wrote:awesome mod! i love the ore compression - allthough i'm wondering if it would be possible to make the mod treefarn-compatible (charcoal/cokecoal)?
What do you mean exactly? I can stack/unstack coal even with treefarm installed.
Prootje wrote:Nice Mod. I wanted to automate the construction of the Tier 6 Miner, but it won't work because both the the second and third assembly machines only take 1 stack of Processing Units (100), while 125 are needed for construction to begin. Is there a method to get their production automated?
In version 1.0.2 the Tier 6 Miner can now be crafted in assembling machines.

New Version 1.0.2 (25.01.2015)
- Changed Tier 6 Miner recipe
- Added Iron plate stack
- Added Copper plate stack
- Increased Iron plate stack size (100 -> 200)
- Increased Copper plate stack size (100 -> 200)

Re: [MOD 0.11.x] Mining Drill & Better ore storage

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 5:47 pm
by n9103
I think he's asking for stackable charcoal and coke.

Re: [MOD 0.11.x] Mining Drill & Better ore storage

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 6:33 pm
by rorror
tnx for adding compressing for copper en plates.

what about chipsets...

i fall a sleep last night, and woke up behind my desk, forgot to turn the game of, with 2.4mil green chipsets in my storage ^-^
Took all day to use up the chipsets.

Re: [MOD 0.11.x] Mining Drill & Better ore storage

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 3:16 pm
by gr0mpel
n9103 wrote:I think he's asking for stackable charcoal and coke.
exactly :)
is it intended that tier 5 and 6 use the same amound of energy (1,4MW)?
TiTaN_3000 wrote: - Added Iron plate stack
- Added Copper plate stack
- Increased Iron plate stack size (100 -> 200)
- Increased Copper plate stack size (100 -> 200)

let the mass production and storage begin :D

Re: [MOD 0.11.x] Mining Drill & Better ore storage

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 12:59 pm
by TheLastRonin
This is a cool mod but two things would make it cooler:

1. Splitting the mining drills off into their own module so that people who just want to use the upgraded drills don't have to take the new chemistry recipes and other stuff as well.

2. Making a toned down version of the drills that are less overpowered... My thoughts are:

MK2: x2 the speed of MK1.
MK3: x3 the speed of MK1.
MK4: x4 the speed of MK1, x1.5 the range MK.
MK5: x5 the speed of MK1, x2 the range of MK1.
MK6: x6 the speed of MK1, x3 the range of MK1.

Re: [MOD 0.11.x] Mining Drill & Better ore storage

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 10:27 am
by StoneLegion
Thank you for this mod. I been looking for something like this for a while. Not sure how OP etc it is. But I will go through it. I hope the power/pollution is roughly set to the speed.