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Sudden change to unpowered personal roboport?

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 8:38 pm
by warlordship
Ok, so.... did they sneak in a change to personal roboports in .71? I have some solar panels in my suit which are generally enough to build large projects in medium-ish bursts. But after a bit of nest and tree clearing suddenly my robots stop working. Turns out it was just turning to dawn, and all my energy was gone.

Normally, when I run out of energy, the robots get sent out with free energy, and simply hover around you when attempting to recharge. Now, they won't even deploy unless the roboports have ~10% energy in reserve.

This is now fairly close to how roboports perform on the ground, but I kind of liked the option of mining up robots when my energy was drained.

Re: Sudden change to unpowered personal roboport?

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 8:41 pm
by boskid
0.17.70 changelog:
FactorioBot wrote: Tue Oct 15, 2019 8:19 pm Bugfixes
  • Fixed that personal roboports would function with literally no power.

Re: Sudden change to unpowered personal roboport?

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 8:47 pm
by warlordship
Ah, under the Fixes section? I usually skip over those since they are rather obscure "bugs" that get fixed.

I'm going to miss my early robots.

Re: Sudden change to unpowered personal roboport?

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2019 2:35 am
by T-A-R
They were not really working since they did not recharge the bots. But it was a helpful feature nontheless.

Re: Sudden change to unpowered personal roboport?

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2019 12:42 pm
by astroshak
Always thought you “hand cranked” the bots when you mined them up by hand.

Shouldn’t a no-power personal roboport have a range of zero though? That’s what would make sense to me. No power, no ability to control the bots at range.

Re: Sudden change to unpowered personal roboport?

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 12:10 pm
by dood
I mean hand mining bots to recharge them was kinda exploit-y but so far the only thing they've done to personal bots is a passive nerf.
What happened to making them accessible earlier?