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Burner Miner should mine and destroy Uranium ore

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2019 1:20 am
by Radioactive Pretzels
Part of the micromanagement fun of Factorio is dealing with the difference of U ore mining.. it's slower to mine and also requires H2S04.
In late game, sometimes this is really annoying, though. A small U patch that you want to get rid of requires annoying manual H2SO4 logistics just to destroy it.
The 3x3 miners mining a 5x5 area are also crude and can't be "aimed" precisely, since once they interect even one U patch they'll need H2S04 or be useless.

My proposal: the starter 2x2 burner miner should be able to mine U ore, but once it does, that U ore is instantly and silently destroyed. It just disappears.
This gives end-game control in two ways.. we can destroy U patches without needing fancy H2S04 logistics, and the 2x2 size gives better "shaping" control.
The destroyed U ore is the penalty for convenience.

Early game would be completely unchanged. Saved games and base behavior would be unaffected.

I see upsides in exposing a tool to relieve an annoying hassle which is not part of the satisfying micromanagement of most other Factorio challenges. It also gives the burner miner new life as a useful endgame tool.

Re: Burner Miner should mine and destroy Uranium ore

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2019 2:18 am
by Honktown
You can build on ore. What's the point in destroying it?

Re: Burner Miner should mine and destroy Uranium ore

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2019 9:59 am
by Radioactive Pretzels
Honktown wrote: Sat Oct 12, 2019 2:18 am You can build on ore. What's the point in destroying it?
It interferes with other mining placement since the miner gets jammed without H2SO4.

Though you bring up an excellent extra point, the DangOreOus mod makes it so you can't build on ore. This burner miner feature would be even more useful for people using that mod.

Re: Burner Miner should mine and destroy Uranium ore

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2019 3:18 pm
by Honktown
I see what you mean, then. In that case, a way to destroy ore could be useful, if you're trying to extract that last little bit I guess.

Re: Burner Miner should mine and destroy Uranium ore

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2019 3:41 pm
by darkfrei
Here was a good mod where you don't need the acid for uranium mining, but for uranium processing.