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PersistantBlueprints mod

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 4:26 pm
by mrvn
I just uploaded a proof-of-concept release for PersistantBlueprints (1).

PersistantBlueprints adds a prototype area where blueprints can be constructed in areas of
different sizes. A persistant blueprint can be placed in each
area, making it the master for that area. Clicking the controller
returns the player to the real world with a blueprint of the area in
hand. The blueprint can then be placed anywhere on the map in the
usual fashion and will contain a persistant blueprint, a slave,
connected to the master.

Now what makes persistant blueprint special is that the player can
return to the prototype area and modify it. Any changes made to the
prototype are also done by every connected slave.

Note: The slaves do not instantly change the entities nor is the
change free. The player has to actually do the changes of have
construction robots do them. Only ghosts and decosntruction plans are
placed by the persistant blueprint slaves.

