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Recycling obsolete items

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 12:06 am
by pmk222
I'm sure there is a mod similar as i got this idea from one i was reading but a didn't like how it worked (I'm not sure what it was called but it worked by allowing you to pick up some of the materials used to craft the item after it was destroyed). I'm thinking of a mod that will allow you to recycle your items (if you made something by accident or its something from the early game).

Here are the mechanics i was thinking:

-gives you a fraction of the items used to craft it (50% rounded down; minimum of 1)

-requires power (not a ridiculous amount so maybe something easily adjustable)

-requires research (mid-game difficulty)

-the machine has tiers the same as the assembling machines (tier 1 is only good for items requiring 2 ingredients or less, tier 2 is slightly faster and requires more power but good for things that require 4 ingredients and tier 3 is faster and requires more power and can use more modules)

-the machine takes up a large amount of space (3X2? or 3X3?)

(note: I'm not expecting all of these mechanics to be incorporated or even currently possible, they are just what came to mind when thinking about this)

If anyone has any other ideas for the mechanics I am open for suggestions, also if anyone is interested in making this (or this mod already exists) let me know/

Re: Recycling obsolete items

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 12:29 am
by webber
So basically you want to keep busy researching for 2 hours because you wrongly made an item that took max 5 minutes?

I do see some future in recycling, but not the way you describe it. :) maybe think it through a little bit further.

Re: Recycling obsolete items

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 12:56 am
by pmk222
webber wrote:So basically you want to keep busy researching for 2 hours because you wrongly made an item that took max 5 minutes?
My intention is not for myself or anyone else who uses this to focus on researching just for this but rather to save materials and prevent the lack of deposits (for me its always iron i run out of). i end up with tons of stone furnaces and burning mining drills that i don't have much, if any, use for in the later part of the game and i could use the iron on something else and the stone for making walls while wasting less and it would help me out while using the mods that i do (sometimes).

i do see your point though, might you have any suggestions to make this concept better?