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Useless entity type

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 7:36 pm
by ficolas
An useless entity type would be really usefull in mods like my mods (for the underground mining drill, that now drops the items on the ground like a normal mining drill) or for the ccmod (warbanner)
And Im sure that there will be much more things where this would be usefull.

Re: Useless entity type

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 7:51 pm
by FreeER
or (eventually) the ability to code our own :)

Re: Useless entity type

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 3:16 pm
by slpwnd
There will (eventually) be a custome lua entity. That will be really powerful. On the other had it is quite a lot of work to get done:)