PriceChild wrote: Sun Aug 18, 2019 9:10 pm
it's never in the right orientation and I always have to rotate it 3 times to get it right. (See: usb superposition)
You press "R" to rotate the loco before you place it, and you see its orientation before you place it right ?
What you suggest would spare pressing R 1 time 50% of time when the game default to suggest placing a loco backward in a one way track and you don't want it, but would also adds a mandadory step of rotating a loco 50% of time when you want to place a double headed train on a one way track depending which side you start.
How do you think the loco is actually being oriented ? (not knowing myself but will do the test next game :d ) I'm asking because with habits it seems that my loco are aligned naturally. Maybe i didn't notice the pattern consciously. There must be one , my guess would be something intuitive like if you place a locomotive on a horizontal track, it will go right if you place it right of the screen/character, and go left if you place it left.
Maybe i'm just used to mashing R a lot and don't notice anymore, in this case the game would play slightly faster.
Edit : I was wrong in my guess, here is what i think happen when the game decide which way the locomotive will face:
-it face one way when you hover over a rail with a loco. (A)
-If you press R while not moving, the loco prediction is rotated (B)
-if you move your mouse away from the rail, or build something else and reselect locomotive, it will remember the direction (B)
-if you move your mouse away from the rail and press R, the game will "remember" and do (A)=>(B)=>(A)=>(B)and so on. You will see the loco rotating in 4 different direction, but as soon as you mouse over a rail again, the loco will switch position.
This is particularly visible when you hover over a rail with a loco, notice the direction, then mouse away, press R twice, to rotate 180°, then mouse hover the rail again, the loco will switch 180° automatically too recover the original direction.
The actual behavior is more desirable to me than the suggestion i feel, particularly if you take in account the double headed train, if you add 20 trains that are 1Loco 1wagon 1Loco on a stacker to fill in all the lanes for example, you can do it with only 1 pressing of the R hotkey if you place all the front loco first and then all the back loco, while with your suggestion, the game would propose me the wrong way for the second loco of every train.