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[0.17.58] Wrong "Tree" information appears in the number of killed field.

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 5:21 pm
I am not sure it is a bug or not. Just information.

Bitmap 1, It is a game end view. You can see playtime 07:50:48 on the background.

Bitmap 2, There is a [Tree] message in the number of killed field.
I played normal mode, but I killed NO biters.

Bitmap 3, This is a current [record] view.
I never unlock the record about biter, so I didn't kill biters.

I cut more than 9 trees.
So, [number 9] isn't [How many trees I cut].

I visited [Crowdin]. Translation of [Tree] seems good.

I hope it is just a mistranslate.

Re: [0.17.58] Wrong "Tree" information appears in the number of killed field.

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 7:29 pm
by mmmPI
I think this : when you "cut" the tree you have the wood, when you "kill" the tree you do NOT have the ressouce.

If you burn tree, they are "killed" , not if you use robots or hand, this time they are "cut".

Really the tree die in 2 cases but the langage and game see only 1 as a "kill".