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roboport without inventory

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2019 12:05 pm
by boeljoet
short: looking for a mod that adds a roboport but removes the inventory.

i am looking for a mod that adds roboports without invntory.
i hate it when:
you request an item and a bot spawns all across the base
that you cant find where your bots are
you pick up a roboport with 700 repairpacks
a roboport filled with robots get destroyed

think about it like a regulair roboport. but the inventory is filled with stone.

i tryed to make one my self following ... al/Gangsir wich i added to this file.
but it does nothing.

Re: roboport without inventory

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2019 8:57 am
by Jorn86
Look into the modular roboports from Bob's Logistics. There are logistic zone extenders which effectively do what you are asking for.