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Bulk discount for Factorio copies?

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2019 12:13 pm
by ShasOFaiz
(Apologies in advance if this isn't quite the right forum for this question...)

I'm leaving my current place of employment for a new opportunity in a few weeks. I've enjoyed my time where I am now and I'm leaving on good terms, and I want to do something nice before I leave. Also, the company I work at is a manufacturing firm, and Factorio feels kinda relevant to some of the things I've worked on here. So, I wanted to buy some copies for some of my coworkers. I planned to get at least five, so my question is were there any plans to offer discounts on "party packs" or such? I know Factorio's never gone on sale normally otherwise, but I didn't know if this was an exception the devs had ever considered, if it had even come up before.

Re: Bulk discount for Factorio copies?

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2019 4:36 pm
by Koub
I would try and write to the general contact on this page :
But I also wouldn't expect a positive answer if I were you.

Re: Bulk discount for Factorio copies?

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2019 5:40 pm
by eradicator
Whean i read "bulk" in the title i thought you meant more like 100+ for a school or something, not 5. Try imagining the look of a supermarket employee if you ask them for a "bulk discount" on 5 bottles of water.
ShasOFaiz wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2019 12:13 pm I want to do something nice before I leave. Also, the company I work at is a manufacturing firm, and Factorio feels kinda relevant to some of the things I've worked on here.
I can't help imagining how your "parting gift" will enslave all the workers to the virtual factory, crippling the real one :D.

Re: Bulk discount for Factorio copies?

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2019 6:43 pm
by Jap2.0
Yeah, it looks like a fairly solid no, especially at that quantity (ref).