[Rseding91] [0.17.43] Scroll-pane flow does not look at flow style setting
Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 11:44 am
I got this simple mod to reproduce the bug.
Kind regards
I got this simple mod to reproduce the bug.
- In the data stage I define a new scroll_pane_style:
As you can see, I define a vertical_flow_style in the scroll_pane to make sure the elements are spaced out more.
Code: Select all
data.raw["gui-style"]["default"]["bugreport_customScrollPane"] = { type = "scroll_pane_style", parent = "scroll_pane" , padding = 12, vertical_flow_style = { type = "vertical_flow_style", vertical_spacing = 24, }, }
- In the control stage I create that UI and set the style for it:
Code: Select all
local scrollPaneElement = rootElement.add{ type = "scroll-pane", style = "bugreport_customScrollPane", horizontal_scroll_policy = "never", }
- As you can see on the screenshot; this is definetly not a vertical_spacing of 12, but a spacing of 4. Note, I am on 200% UI scale. With the debug options you can clearly see that the scroll-pane style is set, but the flow is ignoring the style parameters that is set, and rather only take the default parameters.
Kind regards