Minesweeper in Factorio
Posted: Mon May 20, 2019 7:09 am
Minesweeper v3.0:
Again I completely redesigned and rebuilt Minesweeper. I put the calculating part outside of the "screen". The combinators between the cells are only decoding the signals from below and are responsible for some sounds (v3.0.1) and colors. I significantly reduced the loading time of most notably the random placement of the mines but also of the resetting process. The first cell can't be a mine or number anymore. You can choose any amount of mines between 1 and 32 (v3.0.3). I added small sounds and hints when trying something that isn't possible (v3.0.1). There is a timer with an included highscore system, which remembers the best time for a given amount of mines (3.0.4). You can reset the highscores on the right between the roboports. Aiming to make 50/50 at the end less painful, I added a win condition so you can win the game by correctly flagging all and only mines (3.0.4).Components (latest v3.0.x):
- 16 * 8 = 128 squares
- 9.1k decider combinators (~ 71 per square; + 54% compared to v2.0) *
- 2.8k arithmetic combinators (~ 22 per square; - 35% compared to v2.0) *
- 2.0k constant combinators (~ 16 per square; + 7% compared to v2.0) *
The map files for anyone to download.
Minesweeper v2.0:
I deleted the original topic I made for Minesweeper v2.0. This is technically a repost.I completely redesigned and rebuilt Minesweeper. Now it uses a "real" random number generator, you can choose between three difficulties. And you can flag cells now.
Components (v2.0):
- 20 * 12 = 240 squares
- 11.0k decider combinators (~ 46 per square; + 39% compared to v1.0) *
- 8.1k arithmetic combinators (~ 34 per square; + 48% compared to v1.0) *
- 3.6k constant combinators (~ 15 per square; + 36% compared to v1.0) *
The map files for anyone to download.
Minesweeper v1.0:
This is the original one. Even with a simple game like Minesweeper I had to cut some features most notably not being able to place flags. Also you can't change the amount of mines (It's actually random around 6-8 mines iirc.) and the first cell you open can be a mine or number.Components (v1.0):
- 10 * 6 = 60 squares
- 2.0k decider combinators (~ 33 per square) *
- 1.4k arithmetic combinators (~ 23 per square) *
- 685 constant combinators (~ 11 per square)
The map files for anyone to download.
* Not 100% exact, since I can't see smaller digits when a number goes beyond 1k.