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[Oxyd] [0.17.34] Server crash after user deletes blueprint

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 4:44 pm
by Cooldude2606
I run the server where this happended; I will include what the user posted onto reddit.

A user reported a server crash to us and explained how he may have been the cause (since he crashed two of our servers doing the same thing) we found quickly that it was because he tried to delete a blueprint. We restarted our server and the logs can be found below. Note that although both seam to have been caused by blueprints each server gave a different stacktrace so may be multiple bugs with removing blueprints.
Users Reddit Post

Re: [0.17.34] Server crash after user deletes blueprint

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 4:52 pm
by Piggu
(I'm the user he's talking about)
I'm pretty sure the blueprint book I tried to delete both times was The Complete Belt Series: Yellow, Part 1 but I could be remembering wrong

Re: [0.17.34] Server crash after user deletes blueprint

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 5:19 pm
by Cooldude2606
After finding the other thread i read: "Your steps say something about "The Complete Belt Series: Yellow, Part 1" blueprint book yet no save is provided"
So here is a link to one of the saves: Map save for factorio-previous-server-one.log

(this save were taken after the time of the crash; file is also 45MB)

Re: [0.17.34] Server crash after user deletes blueprint

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 5:33 pm
by TruePikachu
Both backtraces (I actually have them both visible in a gvimdiff right now) were doing operations related to the blueprint transfer queue, and failed preconditions that a blueprintRecord was true:

Code: Select all

<1> Error BlueprintLibrary.cpp:1052: this->getShelf(player)->getBlueprintRecord( was not true
<2> Error BlueprintLibrary.cpp:747: blueprintRecord was not true

Re: [Oxyd] [0.17.34] Server crash after user deletes blueprint

Posted: Tue May 14, 2019 4:06 pm
by Oxyd
Thanks, should be fixed in 0.17.40.