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Zoom mod: Looking for specific behavior

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 2:44 pm
by zOldBulldog
I have been using the zoom mod by that exact name "Zoom", the one with 2 buttons -/+ at the top left corner of the screen. It does the job (lets me zoom in/out without limits), but by being disconnected from the mousewheel it feels unnatural and is a bit inconvenient.

Is there a zoom mod that behaves just like Zoom but uses the mousewheel to do its zooming?
Basically, nothing fancy, just extend the normal zoom in/out limits of the vanilla game.

Re: Zoom mod: Looking for specific behavior

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 4:21 pm
by Qon

Re: Zoom mod: Looking for specific behavior

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 5:20 pm
by zOldBulldog
Qon wrote: Thu Apr 18, 2019 4:21 pm
I had seen that one but the web page is not very clear. It seems to say that you need to run a script because the scroll wheel is not supported. It does not say whether that script is run once and forgotten or whether we need to run it every time we start the game. Also... I am assuming that we run the script by hitting ` and cut/pasting that script, but I'm not sure.

Maybe the author has fixed the mod so that now all you do is install it and the mod does the rest, or maybe, in the end I skipped over that mod.

But if it is the only mod that will do the trick, could you clarify how to use it?


Re: Zoom mod: Looking for specific behavior

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 6:04 pm
by Qon
I didn't know Factorio didn't support scroll bindings.

It is not the mod that doesn't support the scroll wheel. Factorio is bugged.
No mod can do what you ask for without that script (or another equivalent out-of-factorio solution). I haven't seen any other mods that have a hotkey for zooming in and out incrementally so that is the only mod that I know of that allows this.

The script is an autohotkey script. You need to install Autohotkey and run it through it to get it to work. You do not run the script in Factorio. You need to have that script running while playing Factorio. Basically you just save that code as a file that you call 'scrollfix.ahk' and run like any other program, double clikcing it, and it will translate your scrolling to keyboard presses that correspond to the zoom hotkeys.
My solution:
I use 2 mods: and Infinizoom.
If I want to zoom out enough to place a big blueprint I press the hotkey that zooms out to 0.05 or something (configurable) and then zoom in with my scrollwheel if that is too far. That is quick and easy. I don't have any hotkeys for zooming out further (in regular view).

It's rare that I want to zoom out even further than what my zoom hotkey presets are set to, but if I do, I use Infinizoom with the hotkeys. I don't need to use those hotkeys very often since I have ZoomPresets so I don't mind using the keyboard hotkeys when I do need it.