Roboport networks
Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2019 10:47 am
I'd like to see multiple roboport networks so we can set up roboports everywhere and not worry about accidentally connecting ports we don't want connectingWhat ?
I think it would be a great idea if we could assign a value to a roboport after it's built like 1,2,3,4,5,6 and it would represent what robonetwork this roboport is on and it would not interact with any other network including the default 0 network. Default to 0 for all ports so gameplay doesn't change unless you want it to.How i can see this working would be not to change much just don't let different networks or numbers connect to each other so a roboport in network 0 (Default) would not send robots despite being in range of another roboport on any other network. So it would work exactly like it does now when a roboport is out of range of another roboport, they do not interact but each can still function on it's own, they just wont send resources/bots to each other except with this idea it could be 2 completely independent robonetworks working in range but not together.
Robots should remember their network and only go back to a port on the same network.
Logistics chests should also have a network toggle (0 default again) so if a logistics chest is in more than 1 network we can set it to work with both(or more) or just 1 of those networks. Both logistics and construction robots should abide by this so you can dictate which networks construction bots will be used to construct something in range for example give the chests network 1 but place a blueprint in range of network 1,2,3. Only network 1 bots have access to the chest so only they will build it.
Why ?
It would be a bit more intuitive i think, first time players i always see (myself included) just spamm ports everywhere and at some point realise how inefficient that is and it's actually a really horrible thing to try and clean up and we just end up asking why do the bots work this way? why can't i isolate networks easily? why must it be a horrible mess?. With multiple networks most of these issues can be solved without spacing out the ports so they're 1 square out of range which is impracticable for a lot of people. Us bot lovers would be able to make compact bases without worrying about the network getting all jammed up because we started a large construction or logistics request somewhere. Sure it would jam the applicable network(s) in range but all the other networks would keep running smoothly as they don't care because they're not in range or they aren't connected to the logistics chests.A good example would be having local production networks inside the main base that do not interfere with import and export logistics without making the base way bigger than necessary by spacing out roboports until they're out of range.
thanks for reading, i searched the forum and mod list, didnt find anything similar but please let me know if there is