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.17 impression so far

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 11:36 am
by vanatteveldt
I love 0.17! I started a death world with very infrequent / very rich deposits, and I'm having great fun. Got some nasty suprises when spitter AoE started killing my electricity poles which were next to my turrets. Only launched 11 sattelites so far, working on artillery range...

Things I love?
- Copy/paste. How did we ever play without it?
- Blueprint management, especially not getting a copy everything I use a print from my library
- Train route visualization and temporary stops
- The new toolbar. I even have slots for iron, gears etc that I never use just to see my inventory in one go.

What can still be improved? [mods: would it help if I made suggestions for each point, or has everything been suggested 20 times already?]
- I would like to be able to give a temporary train order if I am in map view and in a train. I constantly find myself closing map view, opening my train, zooming out, recentering, and then giving the order
- Different default order for temp stops. My base is quite large already, and I often give the move order and then do something else for a minute, either within factorio (checking borders, plants, stocks) or outside (reading/posting about factorio ;-) ) --- only to find that my train is already well on its way back. For me, either [passenger not present] or [switch to manual] would be great defaults, but maybe this should be an option?
- Shift-click blueprint should landfill if needed just as it removes cliffs
- A way to place a blueprint *without* deleting cliffs (and landfill, if suggestion above implemented) would be great for placing defensive structures while using natural features. Maybe control+shift+click?
- Some way to manually craft from the toolbar would be great.
- A link between the toolbar and personal logistics would also be great.
- [edit] A way to update an existing blueprint by grabbing a new design. I often tweak a design, but then I have to delete the old blueprint, create a new blueprint, change the icons, change the names, save. Preferably I would be able to update directly from the library. Also, I don't understand why I can't edit library blueprint icons, but have to add to inventory first?]
- [edit2] A setting to have more digits when power/production statistics switch to 'scientific' mode, so we can see the difference between 1.1GW and 1.12 GW etc.

Also, I use the FARL and Shuttle train QoL mods, and it would be nice to think of integrating their functionality into vanilla some way, e.g.:
- Make some sort of automatic / continuous blueprints so I can lay train tracks more easily without 'cheating'. I don't mind waiting for my trusty bots, but I hate having to place the blueprint manually every X tracks.
- Create an easy way to call a specific train. Maybe control-click on a rail in map, and get some sort of list of trains, or something like that.

Re: .17 impression so far

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 11:55 am
by zOldBulldog
I like the technical features of 0.17.

On the other hand I find that while the default gameplay is great for deathworlders that like the pressure of combat, it is flat out unpleasant and frustrating for those who mainly enjoy factory design with a light amount of not-so-stressful combat.

Perhaps 0.17 needs:

- A new preset, that gives gameplay that "feel" like 0.16.

- "Memory" for when you hit New Game. By default it should remember your settings from the last time you played under a given preset. That way if you tweak it you will not need to do (or remember) the settings again at the next game.

Re: .17 impression so far

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 3:02 pm
by vanatteveldt
Hmm, I play either peaceful or death world. If I just want to design a factory I just want to skip the whole nest clearing part...

Re: .17 impression so far

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 3:47 pm
by the_ave
I almost agree with the argument for the peaceful mode. But then how are you supposed to waste the U-238??? :)

Re: .17 impression so far

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 7:21 pm
by Amarula
Really enjoying 0.17 so far!
+++++++ for automatic landfill option when placing a blueprint. I swear half my landfill is wasted - I fill what I think is the right spot, go to (re)place the blueprint and... back to the stone field for more landfill...
Midway between peaceful and deathworld: turn on biters, turn off expansion/evolution/pollution - then the biters never come after me, I have to go get them. Took out a big base with my first nuke! Even more fun, placed my first flamethrower turrets.
So yes having a ball with 0.17- thank you to all the devs for this amazing game.

Re: .17 impression so far

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 10:01 pm
by Khagan
vanatteveldt wrote: Mon Apr 01, 2019 11:36 am - Different default order for temp stops. [...]
- Shift-click blueprint should landfill if needed just as it removes cliffs
- A way to place a blueprint *without* deleting cliffs (and landfill, if suggestion above implemented) would be great for placing defensive structures while using natural features.
+1 to all these. Demolishing cliffs that the bugs can't destroy in order to replace them with walls that they can is ... silly.