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[0.17.23] Stone Wall Against Shore - Sprite Doesn't Update After Landfill

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2019 7:35 pm
by egocarib
Stone walls have a different sprite when you build them against the edge of a body of water.
If you then landfill that water, the stone wall sprite doesn't update - it still shows the additional piece of wall extending toward where the water used to be.

Re: [0.17.23] Stone Wall Against Shore - Sprite Doesn't Update After Landfill

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2019 7:46 pm
by TruePikachu
Duplicate of 68556 (NaB)

Re: [0.17.23] Stone Wall Against Shore - Sprite Doesn't Update After Landfill

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2024 1:20 pm
by joshinils
11-02-2024, 14-18-41.png
11-02-2024, 14-18-41.png (291.47 KiB) Viewed 119 times
in 2.0.x [x=14 in this case] you can remove the landfill again, which means you can build wall next to sea and walk between it if you remove the landfill after the walls are placed.

this means, that there is also no logic present which adds the nub back if you remove landfill next to walls.

so whether walls are connected to water simply depends on the order in which they are built