https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... 1929150127
Lead, this one is really tough. It's the worst producing metal and it's also the most expensive to mine.
Red science gets you from .17 to .4 plates/ore.
Green science Tier2 is basically the same but lets you get silver instead of wasting grade-2-lead, and gets you a bit more lead, so sign me up. That's the best producting lead recipe it goes downhill from here
Molten Tier2 must be broken, it gets you much less lead than directly smelting the ore.
At blue science, smelting sl-01 to molten lead is also awful, gets you only .16 plates/ore and no silver.
Making high-grade-lead is also awful at .18 plats/ore. This gives you about 3x as much silver though, so this is really a silver recipe. However, this requires just an absolute ton of oleochemicals (nichrome) and z3-reagent (sulfuric, methanol, organic solvent) and cyanic acid. It might be cheaper to burn lead plates in a burner to make room for more silver, not sure it depends.
If you ever get to yellow science, lead is still bad at .39 plate/ore. Ton of silver with full sintering though.
So the recommendations are clear: Keep Tier2 to the endgame, but also do the full chain just for the silver if you need it and can produce that much oleochemicals, z3, and cyanic
UPDATE 4/2/2019: Same basic story. Green science is still the best (ignoring silver) until yellow science, but now yellow science exceeds it. And the inputs are reduced.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... =174571639
Tier 1 gets you from .1 to .17 plates/ore. Probably won't need this though.
Green science tier2 has two recipes, the molten one is longer but much better. Upgrade to .5 plates/ore here.
Blue science tier3 has two recipes, and neither of them are better than tier2 and of course cost a lot more. Objectively worse, unless you like sorting tailings dust. Skip.
If you get to yellow science you can get up to 1.2 plates/ore, so sure you can do the full chain at this time if you like.
Update 4/2/2019: Tin appears broken now
Stay on Green science. The inputs are reduced but the plates are also greatly reduced past that.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... 1598478804
After doing all these in a spreadsheet, I've come to the conclusion that this is the most difficult chain in PyRO. I'm not sure how I would even achieve this in helmod. Has anyone accomplished this? The spreadsheet lets me be input-base in places.
Tier1 red science gets you from .1 to .19, but will you need this at this level? Probably not.
Green science Tier2 grade-4 recipe gets you to .24 plates/ore, so that makes sense. The molten recipe gets you to .36 but is costly with so much mibc for a modest gain. Personally wouldn't do it.
Blue science Tier3 has two main recipes, concentrated titanium and high-grade-titanium. The concentrated titanium recipe gets you to .5 and requires a lot of mibc but could be worth it, only if you need a lot of titanium. The super complicated one gets you to .56 plates/ore, but requires more inputs like grease and way more sulfuric acid, so it's probably not worth it. That's a bit of a shame because this one is probably fun to figure out.
At least you can go all the way if you get to yellow science, at 1.12 plates/ore.
Update 4/2/2019: The full blue science titanium chain now gets you a ton of titanium with no crazy inputs. Do it.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... =559750671
Tier0 starts at .2 plates/ore
Red science gets you to .33 for an easy improvement.
Green science gets you the molten recipe for .67 plates/ore, but it requires an astounding amount of sand and borax. There's no way you have this much sand laying around, so it's iron sticks for you. This requires WAY more borax than most molten recipes.
Blue science gets you to 1.33 plates/ore but look at those inputs. 100 syngas and 50 glycerol per plate, and 15 super-expensive armac-12 per plate, which thanks to oleochemicals is 2 nickel and 1.6 chrome plates per nex plate among other things. I can't imagine spending this much, probably better to drill more nexelit-ore.
If you get to yellow science you can be swimming in nexelit at 4.27 plates/ore where the per-plate costs go down in comparison
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... 1107533602
Tier0 starts at .17 glass/ore
Tier 1 can get you up to .4 glass/ore, at the cost of a lot of coal gas. You're stuck here until blue science.
Tier 3 is a clear winner at blue science. .7 glass/ore and the inputs aren't too expensive.
At yellow science you get get up to 1 glass/ore. The inputs aren't bad so definitely do this if you get this far.