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[0.17.18] Artillery range not shown correctly on zoomed in map

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 8:29 pm
by jarcionek
Steps to reproduce:

1. Open map
2. Enable Turret Coverage
3. Zoom in to the point where you would get World View if you had a radar coverage in that area
4. Keep zooming in, at every step the artillery coverage will look different

This happens both when holding a remote and when having a hand empty. This bug exists for a while, I haven't noticed whether it was introduced in a specific release or whether it was there always.

Why it matters? When using artillery to discover distant part of the maps I go over the edge very carefully to discover the furthest chunk possible. By shooting close to the edge it is possible to discover chunks which are out of range of artillery.
Map View - everything is fine:
Screenshot 1 - map view.PNG
Screenshot 1 - map view.PNG (442.11 KiB) Viewed 3468 times
Zoom to World View (but no coverage) - everything is fine:
screenshot 2 - zoom to world view.PNG
screenshot 2 - zoom to world view.PNG (3.58 MiB) Viewed 3468 times
Keep zooming in, three more mouse wheel ups the coverage disappears (note that the hand still shows that 3 artilleries can fire here, which is correct):
screenshot 3 - no coverage anymore.PNG
screenshot 3 - no coverage anymore.PNG (3.92 MiB) Viewed 3468 times
One more zoom in step, everything is shown as covered:
screenshot 4 - full coverage.PNG
screenshot 4 - full coverage.PNG (4 MiB) Viewed 3468 times
Another one or two zoom in steps and it shows the curve incorrectly, as if the artillery was south east from here, rather than north east:
screenshot 5 - there is no artillery in the south east from here.PNG
screenshot 5 - there is no artillery in the south east from here.PNG (3.91 MiB) Viewed 3468 times

Re: [0.17.18] Artillery range not shown correctly on zoomed in map

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 12:29 pm
by posila
Thanks for the report.
Fixed for 0.17.22

Re: [0.17.18] Artillery range not shown correctly on zoomed in map

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 8:35 pm
by jarcionek
Thanks for fixing :)