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Blueprint Editor Shift Drag Box / Rectangle selection in Blueprint Editor

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 3:34 pm
by adam_bise
Allow shift dragging to draw a box instead of drawing directly when disabling and restoring blueprint items.

When editing out tiles in a non-square formation, it can be tedious.

Re: Blueprint Editor Shift Drag Box

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2019 12:21 pm
by cid0rz
Hello, I was thinking to make the same suggestion, so you can include or exclude areas in blueprint editing rather than individual entities. Why is this suggestion not more popular?

Re: Blueprint Editor Shift Drag Box

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2019 12:13 pm
by ikarikeiji

I would also suggest making it so that if you drag a blueprint along the ground then it places copies in a straight line - and in a rectangular grid if you drag diagonally - instead of wherever. Prime example: placing long, wide areas of transport belt.

Selection rectangle in blueprint editor

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2022 1:53 pm
by JasonC
It would be amazing if there were some way to draw a rectangle in the blueprint editor to add/remove items from the blueprint in the entire rectangle at once.

Currently if there's a group of objects you want to add/remove, you have to click each one individually or "paint" them by dragging the mouse around (which is fine for larger entities but kind of rough for 1x1 things like belts and walls, especially when the blueprint is large and thus the objects are scaled to be small).

Re: Blueprint Editor Shift Drag Box / Rectangle selection in Blueprint Editor

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2022 9:51 am
by ssilk
merged with older thread

Look out also for a vast number of suggestions around other enhancements for the bp editor and/or a completely new blueprint editor:

In title: search.php?keywords=Blueprint+edit*&ter ... mit=Search

Overall: search.php?keywords=Blueprint+editor&fid%5B0%5D=6

Blueprint editing enhancements

Posted: Fri May 24, 2024 8:12 pm
by Altainia
When editing a blueprint, it would be nice to be able to de-select components in a region, or re-add them in a region

Presently, when editing a blueprint, you can de-select components by right-clicking on them. You can re-add them by left-clicking on their ghosts. You can de-select multiple components by right-click-dragging the cursor across the editor; any components your mouse wanders over will be de-selected. You can re-add them in a similar manner.

I am proposing a simple (sounding) additional tool to make editing blueprints easier in some scenarios. I propose making it so that SHIFT+right-click-drag creates a rectangular region such that any components in that rectangle are de-selected when the mouse button is released, and SHIFT+left-click-drag does the same thing except re-adds them.

There have been scenarios, notably when dealing with tiles, where being able to de-select an entire rectangle would have been FAR easier and less error-prone than waving my mouse across the screen to get every last tile in a certain area.

Re: Blueprint Editor Shift Drag Box / Rectangle selection in Blueprint Editor

Posted: Sun May 26, 2024 10:14 am
by Koub
[Koub] Merged into an older thread with the same suggestion.