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[0.17.11] BP library default position covering quickbar.

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2019 3:00 pm
by MasterBuilder
There are two ways to reproduce this:
- Open BP lib.
- Open a book.
- Close & reopen BP lib. (You should still be on the book view.)
- Press the up arrow to return to the main lib from the book.
- BP lib window is now shifted down covering the quickbar.

Alternatively, just right click on a library book in the quickbar to open the BP lib directly to the book view. Now press the up arrow. (Step 4 above.)

It's not a huge issue as the window is movable.

UI Info: 1080p, 100% scale.

Re: [0.17.11] BP library default position covering quickbar.

Posted: Wed May 15, 2019 7:07 am
by Rseding91
Thanks for the report however that's not a bug - no part of making the blueprint library involved deciding it should never cover the quickbar. Not that it's an amazing feature we intended more so "just how the GUI works".

The blueprint library hasn't been worked on as part of the GUI update yet so I'm going to move this to won't fix. When it is worked on these things will be decided and handled.