Is there any reason I can't use 6 car trains on a 3-car blocked rail?
Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 1:25 am
by Requia
Most of my trains will be 3 cars, but I prefer longer trains to more trains when its called for. I'm aware my intersection exits must be a full 6 cars, but it seems that there would be an advantage to setting everything else up as 3 train cars.
Example of what I mean
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Re: Is there any reason I can't use 6 car trains on a 3-car blocked rail?
Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 3:56 am
by quyxkh
With 6-car exit blocks, I think uncongested traffic will generally maintain that 6-car distance at all times, because the leading train's got that much of head start on accelerating ahead of the following one. Any train that gets closer than 6 cars will have to brake to reestablish that distance for the next intersection exit, see?
So 3-car intermediate blocks would only make a difference when there's congestion, you'd just be packing more trains into a congested leg, I don't see how that helps get anything through that next 6-car-exit-block-throttled intersection any faster.
...hunh. I'm pretty sure this simple-looking setup allows deadlock-free 3-car intervals even in the face of 6-car trains by providing a bypass failsafe for 6-car trains that hit congestion on the way out:
snap@T259392=5248x720-46.75-23,z2.jpg (135.53 KiB) Viewed 1133 times
The red signal at the top center, the bypass entry signal, is wired close-if red<2, i.e. it's open if and only if a train is actually occupying both 3-car straight blocks below it. So there's a train in the chain-guarded merge exit to the right, so no other train's got the merge reserved. There are at most two trains to consider here.
The one-train case is trivial, it's in both straight blocks and either another train will arrive after it leaves the merge exit (which will produce the two-train case) or it won't (closing the bypass). Only the two-train case is interesting: the leading train's in the lower bypass block, the following train's in the merge-exit 3-car.
Now, here's the trick: the bypass (upper) segment's not long enough for a 3-car train, not even including the rejoin curve, but the bypass plus merge exit pair is long enough for 6, so
any train taking the bypass will occupy both bypass and merge exit
because of the signal wiring no train will ever take the bypass unless congestion has caused a previous, leading train to brake, and
since the bypass exit is guarded by a chain signal, any train leaving the bypass block is guaranteed to be able to enter the following rejoin-exit 3-car block too
but: if a six-car train leaves the bypass block and can't continue past the rejoin exit, its back three cars will still overflow the bypass block and leave it occupying the merge exit:
snap@T342368=5264x976-46.75-24.25,z2.jpg (146.6 KiB) Viewed 1133 times
I think that's the worst case, a six-car train forced into the bypass and unable to clear it on exit, so, to answer your question, no, unless I'm missing something you can use six-car trains on a 3-car-blocked rail, and this bypass even lets you maintain deadlock-free 3-car spacing through intersections with 6-car trains.
snap@T385291=6976x1328-72.5-26,z2.jpg (208.73 KiB) Viewed 1133 times