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Super-pipette as an vanilla alternative to early bots mods

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 12:37 pm
by Ikonos
Speed up blueprint manual construction to reduce the need for early bots mods

What ?
1) Allow the pipette to work while holding LMB and dragging the cursor.
2) When dragging the pipette and entering a new cell, it takes from the inventory a copy of the thing/blueprint-gost in that place.
3) When dragging the pipette and leaving a cell it places the item in hand in the cell (if the item in hand is the same as the gost in the cell, it is rotated in the same way and it is not too far from the player).
4) This way you can hold pipette key down and drag the mouse to place all items in the blueprint if you have them in the inventory and you are near. You will need to move and repeat the operation to reach all places on any blueprint other than the smallest ones.

Other key binding could be used to get a similar effect without using the pipette.
Why ?
1) If you have played with bots before, you miss them when you start a new game. This make almost a "must" to install some early bots mod, even if you do not need all of its functions.
2) You already can use the pipette tool to place blueprints in a one by one away (press on an gost, then with the thing in the hand click on that cell, and repat on the next cell or place other repetitions of the same item).
3) You do not include all the features of early bot mods, so it is only a help that can be used in vanilla and in combination with the mods.

Re: Super-pipette as an vanilla alternative to early bots mods

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 1:36 pm
by BlueTemplar
Seems to be duplicate ?

(Bring back forum search !)

Re: Super-pipette as an vanilla alternative to early bots mods

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2019 3:35 pm
by Sad_Brother
BlueTemplar wrote: Sun Mar 10, 2019 1:36 pm Seems to be duplicate ?
Definitely not.

I like it.
1.Blueprints would be more useful before robots.
2.Robots still quite needed as soon as possible.
3.Need player attention to use.

Re: Super-pipette as an vanilla alternative to early bots mods

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2019 12:21 pm
by Darinth
This seems like a very weird and unintuitive mechanic. I'm still a big fan of the idea that someone brought forward that simply auto-rotates things placed into blueprints and if you start placing down items in blueprints and drag it restricts you to only putting items into blueprints to prevent accidental placement while dragging. This seems too far-reaching in what it can do.