Personal Ammo Limit
Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2019 4:28 am
Give me a way to set the ammo limit on my guns.What ?
I don't want to have 200 ammo in my gun. I just need 20. The rest, I want to have available to redistribute in my turrets.Why ?
Right now, I find I'm fumbling too much with refilling my turrets. Let's say, I have 220 ammo. I want to distribute it equally among 4 turrets. When I pick up ammo from my toolbelt, I only get 20. Then I have to correct myself, and pick up from my gun's ammo, which is 200.I would prefer there's a set limit on my gun's ammo (say I have 220 ammo, and, I only want 20 for my gun), so when I pick up ammo from my toolbelt, I get 200 for my turrets.