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[0.17.4] Tutorial Feedback

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2019 1:17 am
by KnightViper18
I had my friend play the tutorial, completely new to the game. Here are a few things I observed as I watched him.
  • At the very beginning when it asks you to take the items from the wreckage, it was hard for him to figure out that the right side was the inventory of the wreckage. For a while he wandered around clicking each wreckage but didn't know what he was suppose to do. My thought here was have the helper robot go over to the wreckage and say "Click the wreckage and click the items from the right pane." And even maybe help the player by dimming the screen and only highlighting the right pane, and flash the item icons. This wouldn't be needed right away, but if they don't take the items within a minute, toggle this helpful event.
  • The part where you need to feed iron plates into the feeder for the assembly machine was another area of struggle. He didn't really understand that a belt needed to connect up to the Arrow icon. Maybe all it would take would be to rework the objective text in the corner to "Feed iron plates into the feeder using a line of belts." By adding the explicit indication of using belts may be enough to help in this situation.
  • When it came to inserters for the first time, he was confused on knowing what the arrow and line meant. I'm not sure if a mini tutorial could pop-up a this point or something to explain that inserters have two sides to them and explicitly explain what each side of them mean.